Anal Torture and Severe Pain from Strapon Domination - » Femdom Sex » King Lexa (Smother) Tricked maintenance guy into Cock 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

King Lexa (Smother) Tricked maintenance guy into Cock 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

King Lexa (Smother) Tricked maintenance guy into Cock 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online King Lexa (Smother) Tricked maintenance guy into Cock

My friend and I are on vacation. As I walk to my hotel room, I see a maintenance worker who makes my cock very difficult. My friend asks me to wait downstairs for me because I have business. I'm the D4DDY that I am, and I make sure I get what I want. As I call room service, I lie down and stroke my dick. I pick up the telephone and scream, "My AC is down!"The maintenance man "Blake" arrives at my door and I am able to take advantage of his pussy. I trick him into sniffing my scent and he will eat everything my dick gives him.He is such a dumb, helpless slut!
01-10-22 171
Categories: Femdom Sex
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