Miss XI in Video - Club Stiletto Femdom – Booty Call 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online Miss XI - Club Stiletto Femdom – Booty Call
Miss Xi is visiting Miss Dixie, a dickie virgin. Dixie claims that XI's slave is good enough to suck Dixie's feet. Miss XI is furious, but she expects 110% of her slaves. He is to climb upstairs, where she will take care of him. He is ordered to go to bed by her. As the scene progresses, Xi sat on the face of the slave and degraded him for being inept. He bounces on her face and she seems to think that she might be able to make some sense of it all. Xi said, "My stomach is strong because I work out every day." It hurts on your face?" He murmures something under her ass before she answers her question. She slams him with her sex, first in a forward position and then in reverse. After slapping him several times, she resumes her bounce. The slave says a negative word, but it only makes Xi feel worse. Finally, she wraps herself around him, crushing his face with her ans and his feet with her feet. He kicks for air and she kicks him in the legs. To become more valuable possessions for superior women, slaves need to be punished. Miss Xi is no exception.

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