Domina Planet (SISSY TRAINING) Tim Becomes Tiffany 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online Domina Planet (SISSY TRAINING) Tim Becomes Tiffany
Madame Sloan used to have a boyfriend who was more masculine when she met him. They worked out together, went hiking, and waterskiing. He's turned into a couch potato over the last year, smoking all day, and watching TV. He moved in with His ex-wife, Covid, after which he lost his apartment. Since then, he hasn't worked since and has just been happy to spend Her money, goof off and make a mess while She works two jobs.He has become frustrated and overwhelmed by her, so she has started to train him to be Her sweet, submissive baby girl Tiffany. Tiffany is now Madame Sloan, Tiffany's ex-girlfriend and Pimptress.Sissy Tiffany is bondage with a latex jacket and is clad in a frilly pink baby dress, ruffled pants and a baby bonnet. So for her first lesson, she is strung across the bed face down."Well Tim! Things are about to change .. you might have already noticed that they have. You are wearing a baby gown and your hands are tied across the mattress. Guess what? It's not going to be "Tim" anymore. Now, it's 'Tiffany'. You're going to suck cock, and take it up on your sissy pussy. "NOW SAY IT!"Red marks begin to form when she starts to smack the sissy bitch in her exposed, white, naked thigh. He won't tell her. He refuses to name Tiffany, despite her repeatedly smacking him. Then she takes out a bamboo stick and begins to really hit him. She smacks each cheek with the stick. As he screams and scrunches around, red welts begin to form on his face."Say that you want cum andcock, but I'm a nasty little baby-slut cum dumpster. "NOW FUCKING SAY IT!""I WANT CUM and COCK!" "I'M A SISSY BABY CUM DUMPSTER!"He she) starts screaming and his stomach turns purple. She continues to paddle, but he keeps going. The pain is so intense that he kicks her legs futilely in an attempt to stop the pain from below. She continues to up the ante with her bitch:"Say that you want to suck large, black cocks, and have them nut in the face! You want to be gangbanged! However, you must now use a little girl's voice."Yes Step-Mommie"She squeals in vain as her ass becomes a mess of purple and red welts. After the fights have ended, she lies down softly on the bed. Madame Sloan gets up from her and tells her what comes next."Now that you've rededened yours, it is time to learn how to appreciate and serve the superior female ass. You're going to lick my sockhole and I'm going to sit on your head.""What? "What? Please Madame, it's gross!""WHAT THE F***?"She snarls and hits him five times very hard."You will BEG me to lick your ass, bitch!"He does so as SHe smothers his cries and lays down with her naked ass on his face.Continued In Part II:

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