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Madame Leandra's Visit 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Madame Leandra's Visit 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online Madame Leandra's Visit

All of us are in a relationship to our neighbors! It all depends on the kind of neighbors you have. It would be an ideal situation to be the neighbor to a lovely Lady who is elegant and beautiful! From the moment you hear her talk, being an admirer. If you see her in a pair of high-heeled boots or heels, do you feel weak at your knees? Imagine being her slave, her servant, and the floor she walks on. It would be a wonderful dream! Sometimes dreams come true!! As a man stands in the kitchen, he is doing his homework when Madame Leandra, the neighbor, knocks on the door. As he opens the door, he is confused by the unexpected visit. Madame Leandra informs him that she saw him looking at her shoes and feet at the last meeting of neighbors. They have been neighbors for many years. She wants to know the truth! This is the only way out of this situation. He confesses to the crime and promises never to do it again. As he looks at him, he sees his big eyes as she says that she wants him look at her feet and her boots. She also wants him kneeling down in front the chair that she is sitting on to make him feel like a little bitch. He is to love her high-heeled leather boots and her beautiful arched feet. Madame Leandra tells the guy to take off her boots once everything is cleared. She then leaves him alone.
01-10-22 200
Categories: Femdom Sex
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