Mistress_Trish – Sap Gloves, Spiked Boot Brutal Beatdown [BEATDOWNS, KICKING, BELLY PUNCHING, BALLBUSTING] 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online Mistress_Trish – Sap Gloves, Spiked Boot Brutal Beatdown [BEATDOWNS, KICKING, BELLY PUNCHING, BALLBUSTING]
Mistress_Trish – Sap Gloves and Spiked Boot Brutal BeatdownWhen Mistress Trish immediately starts throwing punches at slave m the poor slave knows that he's in for quite the brutal beatdown. In addition to the Sadists obvious desire to kick his ass what makes this beatdown particularly cruel is that Trish is wearing sap gloves for maximum punching damage and spiked boots for maximum body kick and ball busting damage. Within the first minute she has thoroughly used the slave as a punching bag, kicked his chest and stomach until it is covered in puncture wounds from her spiked boots, and kicked his balls so hard that he recoils from the pain. And that's just the warm up. Never giving him a chance to rest, excepting when he has to drag his body back to standing after dropping from especially mean ball punts, Trish is relentless. She mixes her brutal beatdown up, keeping the slave on his toes, as she punches, kicks, and nut punts him into submission. The power of her muscular body is scary enough but with the sap gloves and the boots the poor sub is quickly winded. Not that that matters to Trish. Instead it eggs her on, making her kick his ass with delight even harder. After a barrage of non-stop body blows the Sadist is–almost–satisfied. She promises the beaten slave on last especially mean full force ball kick. True to form Trish delivers. As the poor slave is hunched over from the power of Trish's ball bust Trish beams in satisfaction as she flexes her insanely beautiful lithe and brutal muscles.

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