Princess Bella, Princess Aria in Video - THE MEAN GIRLS – You Eat It 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online Princess Bella, Princess Aria - THE MEAN GIRLS – You Eat It
The Mean Girls never cook for themselves they have slaves for all that. The slave was ordered to prepare lunch for Princess Aria n Princess Bella. They`re used 2 eating only the healthiest and freshest foods available but the slave serves them a cheap microwaved lunch of hot pockets and snack pack pudding. This enrages Princess Bella and she orders the slave to lie down on his back so she can dump the pudding all over his face. She makes the slave lick it up off the kitchen floor. Princess Aria n Princess Bella can't believe the slave would dare serve them this cheap unhealthy food. They both dump their plates onto the floor and smash the food to mush with their boots. The slave is made to lick the smashed up disgusting mix off the bottom of Princess Bella's boots. The slave doesn't want to eat it but they force him to lick it off their boots and off the floor. The slave actually should be grateful because it's a step up from the dawgg and cat food he`ll be eating from now on! LOL

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