EMPRESS JENNIFER – My Outdoor Garbage Disposal 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online EMPRESS JENNIFER – My Outdoor Garbage Disposal
EMPRESS JENNIFER – My Outdoor Garbage DisposalEverythings going organic theses day even getting rid of slaves. You know what they say; it not littering if its biodegradable LOL. That why I drag my failed slave to the middle of the swamp and force his head into the leech infested murky water until his life is no more. IF I CANT TRAIN HIM INTO A PROPER SLAVE, NO ONE CAN and sometimes you just have to put them out of their misery. I guess you can say Im doing him a favor; does he really want to live out his days knowing he FAILED EMPRESS JENNIFER? I dont think so. That is much worse then what Im going to do to him, it just the humanitarian in Me! Im just looking for his best interest, arent I sweet?xoxo-your EMPRESSIncludes: Smother – Water play – Slave Training – Outdoor Humiliation – Female Domination

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