Empress Jennife, Princess Carmela in Video - THE MEAN GIRLS – Mean Game of Cards 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online Empress Jennife, Princess Carmela - THE MEAN GIRLS – Mean Game of Cards
This slave has to play cards with Empress Jennifer and Ibut of course when WE play games with slaves, it is usually painful for THEM! LOL. We decide that ever number is on the card we turn over is the number of blindfolded kicks he will get right in his NUTS! We keep playing until eventually we just want to kick him constantly, haha!We made sure to blindfold him so he couldn't flinch or block our kicks, LOL. He totally didn't know where these kicks were coming from because Empress Jennifer and I took turns kicking him from the front and from behind! Getting kicked from behind is devastating enough but imagine it with a blindfold. imaging the pointy toe of a sexy high heel punting straight through that thin ball sack and straight into a nut, haha!This is not a short game of ballbusting so he really got it good! Needless to say we broke this big guy and he went down to the floor. No matter how big a slave is- a good nut-shot will bring them all down the same! LOL-Princess CarmelaCategories: Ballbusting, Kicking, Female Domination, CFNM

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