EMPRESS JENNIFER – Slave Without A Face 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online EMPRESS JENNIFER – Slave Without A Face
EMPRESS JENNIFER – Slave Without A FaceMost of you know by now you don't mess with Me -don't even think about it. But some get too complacent in their duties and I have to remind them of their rightful place. My slave needed some serious and permanent discipline, a lifelong reminder that he is nothing and I control his fate. This slave now staggers though the streets like some kind of beggar with leprosy having only a cloak to hide his new-found decrepit appearance from the outside world. all because he asked Me the wrong question. One has to "be cruel to be kind" that's true, but I think a more fitting expression is "you have to be cruel to be cruel", LOL!

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