Princess Carmela, Sir Shane in Video - THE MEAN GIRLS – Real Life Cuck Abuse 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online Princess Carmela, Sir Shane - THE MEAN GIRLS – Real Life Cuck Abuse
Princess Carmela and Sir Shane don't just waste their time with any losers. They've got to be GOOD losers, like do something. And if you can't do anything, then you can at least bring gifts, right? That's stupid Cousin Its job in this clip. He clearly has nothing else to offer, so he comes bearing trinkets and dresses for his Superiors. Carmela opens her gifts right in front of him.pretty new dresses, nighties.Sir Shane is amused by a crown. And there's cash too. nd this loser's reward for laying out the big bucks at our feet? He literally gets spit. Right. in. his. fucking. face. LOL!! Cash and gifts for licking the bottom of our dirty shoes and a face full of Carmela's spit. Sounds pretty fair to me! Maybe he should not be such a loser if he doesn't want to drink Carmela's spit. Until then, that's all his loyalty and gifts will get him!

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