GODDESS HARLEY in Video - THE MEAN GIRLS – Higher Voltage Ballshocker 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online GODDESS HARLEY - THE MEAN GIRLS – Higher Voltage Ballshocker
Ok, so we have found that the old ballshocker just wasn't strong enough to suit our tastes anymore. To be honest, sometimes it worked and totally shocked the slaves nuts) and sometimes we found out it wasn't! It was getting old and very "hit or miss" with the voltage it was delivering to our slaves nuts. And that is just not acceptable. We want to be able to deliver HIGH VOLTAGE to our slaves nuts at the push of a button- and know that it will cause RELIABLE, CONSISTENT PAIN for our slaves! With MINIMAL effort on our part of course LOL.) So we got a new one the other day and decided to try it out on this young, annoying loser of a slave. *True fact- its really a dawgg shock-collar that we just adjust to attach to our slaves nuts LOL! Oh, and we made sure we got one that is for BIG dawggs! Haha!) This slave needs a lot of training anyway on how to be QUIET. So this was the perfect "training aid" we think! This "ballshocker" goes up to 15! The old one only went up to 10!) And its way bigger so we're pretty sure this is more powerful. And judgin gby the slave's SCREAMS, we are pretty sure we are right!

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