Anal Torture and Severe Pain from Strapon Domination - » Femdom Sex » Mistress Gaia in Video - Painful Whips 2023 [FullHD] (MPEG-4/277 MB)

Mistress Gaia in Video - Painful Whips 2023 [FullHD] (MPEG-4/277 MB)

Mistress Gaia in Video - Painful Whips 2023 [FullHD] (MPEG-4/277 MB)
Duration: 00:04:42 | Quality: FullHD | Format: MPEG-4 | Size: 277 MB
Porno Online Mistress Gaia - Painful Whips
ITALIAN SPEAKING Today I enjoy whipping a non-masochistic slave. He has to take three hundred lashes, but from the start he screams and thrashes recklessly. After taking only one hundred and two lashes, beg my mercy. I stop, asking him how many are missing and he, counting wrong, adds a hundred more. He will pay dearly for his mistake, because next time I will give him the lashes that he himself counted incorrectly. DIALOGHI IN ITALIANO Oggi mi diverto frustando uno schiavo non masochista. Deve prendere trecento frustate, ma sin dall'inizio urla e si dimena in modo sconsiderato. Dopo aver preso soltanto centodue frustate, implora la mia pietà. Mi fermo, chiedendogli quante ne mancano e lui, sbagliando a contare, ne aggiunge un centinaio di più. Pagherà a caro prezzo il suo errore, perché la prossima volta gli darò le frustate che lui stesso ha contato in modo sbagliato.
25-08-23 130
Categories: Femdom Sex
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