Anal Torture and Severe Pain from Strapon Domination - » Femdom Sex » Sheena Rose in Video - Aggression Therapy 3 - Mind Games 2023 [HD] (MPEG-4/352 MB)

Sheena Rose in Video - Aggression Therapy 3 - Mind Games 2023 [HD] (MPEG-4/352 MB)

Sheena Rose in Video - Aggression Therapy 3 - Mind Games 2023 [HD] (MPEG-4/352 MB)
Duration: 00:09:28 | Quality: HD | Format: MPEG-4 | Size: 352 MB
Porno Online Sheena Rose - Aggression Therapy 3 - Mind Games
Sheena Rose has been the victim of some relationships with men and she has decided to seek therapy from Dr.West. Being a top in the field, he has been working on an alternative treatment to help women who are in a similar position. He explains that he is going to mesmerize her into a state of heightened suggestibility so they can rework her subconscious thoughts about men. Sheena, still skeptical, agrees to try out Dr.West's "special therapy". After dangling a silver pendant in front of Sheena it appears to Dr.West that the initial mesmerizing worked. When he asks Sheena to stand and express how she currently feels about men, he is unexpectedly met with a swift kick to the nuts! Fascinated by her reaction, Dr.West continues to try to help alter her subconscious but before he can even finish any of his sentences, she keeps pummeling his balls with kick after kick. Feeling like he is losing control of the situation, he tries to crawl away but she kicks him from behind, leaving him squirming on the ground in pain. Standing over him, Sheena explains that his mesmerizing never worked and she just wanted to destroy a man's balls! Spreading his legs, she steps down on his groin with her boots and grinds his balls one last time!
22-10-23 136
Categories: Femdom Sex
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