Princess Chanel in Video - THE MEAN GIRLS – We Don't Care if Youre Sick 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online Princess Chanel - THE MEAN GIRLS – We Don't Care if Youre Sick
The trash slave hasn't been doing his job. Princess Chanel walks into the kitchen to find garbage and she is NOT happy. She calls his ass in and he gives her some lame excuse about a 'bad back' and 'doctor says I can't carry anything'. Bitch, do you think Princess Chanel cares what your 'doctor says'? How about what "Chanel says'? Like get on the floor, ride me around with a heaping garbage bag on your back and CRAWL out to do your garbage duties!! You don't get doctor's excuses when you are a SLAVE for the Mean Girls! That's why its SLAVERY, stupid!

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