Anal Torture and Severe Pain from Strapon Domination - » Femdom Sex » Mistress Marley in Video - VICIOUS FEMDOM EMPIRE – Oral Perversions 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Mistress Marley in Video - VICIOUS FEMDOM EMPIRE – Oral Perversions 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Mistress Marley in Video - VICIOUS FEMDOM EMPIRE – Oral Perversions 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online Mistress Marley - VICIOUS FEMDOM EMPIRE – Oral Perversions

Mistress Marley's sexual tastes run a bit into the perverse. She owns a male slave that she keeps locked in a special chastity that not only keeps his cock locked away it also delivers electric shocks to his tender genitals by remote control. She controls if or when to he gets shocked, and the severity of the shock as well. With the push of a button she can send painful waves of electricity pulsing through the chastity at her whim. To make it worse for her poor slave she is a true sexual sadist and derives sexual pleasure from his suffering. He suffers a lot. Marley's idea of great sex is riding his face with him worshiping her frantically from her electric torments. Knowing his cock is in constant pain even as he is forced to provide her pussy pleasure with his tongue drives her to heights of orgasmic pleasures. Since she owns him she can and does abuse her slave this way all the time. It's how she gets off.
01-10-22 144
Categories: Femdom Sex
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