Dahlia Rain, Goddess Tangent in Video - ClubDom – Caning An Ungrateful Slave 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online Dahlia Rain, Goddess Tangent - ClubDom – Caning An Ungrateful Slave
Dommes Dahlia Rain n Mis-Tangent bring their ungrateful slave into the dungeon where they`re going to cane his pathetic pale ass. They`ve him tied down in position giving Dommes Dahlia Rain and Mis-Tangent full access to cane anywhere they want on his pathetic ass. Mis-Tangent wants to make his sorry slave ass pay for trying to escape from the Goddess's care and attention. They leave deep dark purple marks on his ass so that whenever he sits down for the next month, he`ll be reminded of Dommes Dahlia Rain and Mis-Tangent, and all they do for him.

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