Miss Lucy Khan [FACE SITTING] in Video - ASIAN MEAN GIRLS – SECURE THE PERV PART 2 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

The action continues on right were SECURE THE PERV left off. Miss Lucy Khan, torments and degrades the apartment security guard after catching him peeping in on her while she performs her daily exercise routine.Miss Khan has already made it be known to him that his job and reputation are on the line, that total subservience is his only salvation! He will do as he is told, no matter how defiling or embarrassing it is. If he wants to keep his Job and not be exposed for the peeping little coward that he is, HE WILL OBEY!She has reduced him to a human yoga pad, as she steps on and crushes his chest, but now the real fun begins, She taunts him with her perfect Ass and reveals his "less than adequate manhood" and of course the verbal ridicule begins as she gives him exactly what he wanted, an up close and personal journey into the private regions of her perfect ass!But there is no enjoyment for this once slobbering perv. His pervy thoughts have been replaced with an instinct to survive the onslaught as his face is pummeled and enveloped by her gorgeous buttocks, his every breath a struggle as his face bears the full weight of her body as Miss Kahn wiggles, and bounces upon him as she joyously berates him and secures in his little loser mind that this is the most that he will ever deserve or get from such a divine creature!Miss Lucy Khan from Los Angeles, CA. Is a new and most pleasant addition to ASIAN MEAN GIRLS and among the cruelest, sadistic, and most demanding, Asian Goddesses we have ever had the pleasure of shooting. You'll be seeing a lot more of Miss Lucy Khan on our store in the coming months. Enjoy!

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