Princess Jennifer [verbal humiliation] in Video - ASIAN MEAN GIRLS – TRAINED TO BE A PAYPIG FOR PRINCESS (FULL VERSION 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online Princess Jennifer [verbal humiliation] - ASIAN MEAN GIRLS – TRAINED TO BE A PAYPIG FOR PRINCESS (FULL VERSION
ASIAN MEAN GIRLS – TRAINED TO BE A PAYPIG FOR PRINCESS FULL VERSION)"We have another full version release for you guys! This is the Full version release of TRAINED TO BE A PAYPIG FOR PRINCESS. A full 15 minutes of financial domination. Watch as Princess Jennifer charges this poor nitwit for his every move. If financial Domination Or Princess Jennifer) is your thing , Then this is the video for you and at the bargain price ofIt's Friday, and you know what that means? It's Princess Pay Day! Friday is the day Princess' stable of MONEY SLAVES get their paychecks, and line up one by one to give Princess Jennifer their hard earned cash. This particular Asian loser has been busting his ass all week long for minimum wage at a local Chinese Restaurant, hoping and praying for the opportunity to surrender his entire paycheck to his one and only Princess. Princess has specifically instructed him to bring only singles, because she has devised a diabolical game of financial domination for this flunkee, intended to not only to remove him from his own money, but also TRAIN AND CONDITION him to be her pay need and want to come back and bring her more.again and again and again.As he kneels below Princess Jennifer, he presents a large, thick stack of ONE DOLLAR BILLS as instructed.Three Hundred of them In fact! She then allows him the supreme privilege of touching her leg for just a quick second.That will cost him ONE DOLLAR! Now, that's not so much for the opportunity to touch his Royal Princess, right? But like an alcoholic, gambler, or drug addict, he is hooked in and simply cannot stop. He must have another, and another, and another.From there, she takes it up a notch and allows him to lick her gleaming leather booties. and then to kiss her exposed perfect toes.and then to kiss her perfect ass. TEN DOLLARS A KISS! He is completely intoxicated by his beautiful Asian Goddess, MESMERIZED, irreversibly trained and conditioned, as his huge stack of bills quickly disappears before his very eyes. She escalates her game even further, extorting TWENTY DOLLARS for a hard slap across his pathetic face.and another, and another. For FIFTY DOLLARS, she will spit her hot, salty saliva on his face. PAY UP PIGGIE! HAHA!In a mere 7+ minutes, Princess Jennifer has drained this slave's entire wallet dry to the bone and sends him off to another long, hard week of working for his Princess. And he will be back next Friday, same time, same place. Because this is what Princess Jennifer wants and demands. And he is powerless to resist her.The pay piggy's are sticking around for round two of princess payday. Princess Jennifer is teaching her money slaves a new word today, it's called INFLATION. It's defined as the price of

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