Mistress Blackdiamoond – Slave smirched, circumsized 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online Mistress Blackdiamoond – Slave smirched, circumsized
Mistress Blackdiamoond – Slave smirched and circumsizedPure slave humiliation – while the Mistresses paint the loser's face with an edding and mark up the parts of his body where he's too fat, they additionally prepare a bun with their spittle and the ashes of their cigarettes. By the way they give him a nice, individual haircut – and he has to go outside with it later, ha ha! He also has to lick a little bit of spit from the floor that Mistress Blackdiamoond spit between the cutted hair. Soon his bun is ready and he eats it from the floor with his hands tied on his back. What a feast, with divine spittle!

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