Princess Bella, Princess Beverly in Video - THE MEAN GIRLS – Ashes for the Dirty Old Man 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online Princess Bella, Princess Beverly - THE MEAN GIRLS – Ashes for the Dirty Old Man
Princess Bella and Princess Beverly are in their bikinis hanging out by the pool at Mean Girl Manor. They are relaxing in the shade smoking cigarettes and using kneeling slaves as their personal human ashtrays. Another slave is fanning them with a palm leaf to keep them cool. The kneeling slaves stand by with their mouths open waiting for the Princesses to tap the hot ashes onto their tongues so they can swallow them. Princess Bella and Princess Beverly even put their lit cigarettes out on the slave's tongues and toss the cigarette butts into their mouths making them swallow the entire thing. The girls casually chat about how hot it is outside and about how they use the slaves and who has the better slave.It's so great to see two beautiful Princesses totally at ease casually using multiple slaves like this. As the Princesses relax in the shade the naked & kneeling slaves are baking in the hot sun and literally being used as objects! They are just a set of ashtrays and a fan and nothing more. I really love these types of casual unscripted clips that show hot girls using losers like this as if it's the most natural thing in the world. Overall, on a "slave scale" of 1-10, I give it an "8"

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