EMPRESS JENNIFER – Sis Blackmails With Porno Mags 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online EMPRESS JENNIFER – Sis Blackmails With Porno Mags
EMPRESS JENNIFER – Sis Blackmails With Porno MagsMy brother is such a creepy loser, but kind of a rich loser who doesn't mind getting pushed around by his little sister Jennifer. He gets up at the crack of dawn every morning to do his paper route. He saves all his money I guess, because I never see him spend any of it. So I sneak into his room to raid his piggy bank. He wouldn't even miss a couple of hundred dollars I'm sure. Just then I notice something unusual under his mattress HE HAS A STASH OF DIRTY MAGAZINES! Full of boobies and butts and a lot of dirty jokes he is not supposed to be looking at. Well this is interesting, I can SO use this in my favor now. All I have to do is blackmail My stupid brother with his own porn. If mom and dad found out he will be grounded for life, they already think My brother is weird so this will be easy-peasy. And Me, Jennifer, is the perfect little angel in the family so whatever I say they believe. So I pretty much have My brother by the balls and I'm going to squeeze. I make him My defacto slave. he has to do anything I say now and all his money from his job goes to me or mom and dad find out about his porn problem. However, even to My perverted brother I'm not a total bitch. I'll give him his booby fix of porn now and again. A page here, and a page there just to control him and give him enough motivation to serve Me properly like a good slave should. This is so cool, I love controlling pathetic and weak boys. I wonder what I'm going to be when I grow up.?

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