Princess Bella, Princess Carmela [Smoke, Human Ashtray, Cigarette, Smoking] in Video - THE MEAN GIRLS – Efficient Uses Of Slaves 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online Princess Bella, Princess Carmela [Smoke, Human Ashtray, Cigarette, Smoking] - THE MEAN GIRLS – Efficient Uses Of Slaves
Princess Carmela and Princess Bella decide it's time for a smoke break. The Mean Girls have most of their outdoor furniture put away for the season, so they have no table or ashtrays available outside. But with slaves around, that's not a problem. Princess Bella and Princess Carmela make their slaves kneel before them so they can use them as their human ashtrays.The slaves are commanded to open their mouths and both Princesses ash directly onto their slave's tongues as they make fun of them and belittle them for being such losers that they are literally used as other peoples' ashtrays! Princess Bella slaps her slave in the face repeatedly- just because she can. Princess Carmela flicks her ashes right onto the top of her old slave's head- right onto his bald spot and thenspits directly into his mouth.The Princesses stub their lit cigarettes out directly on their slaves tongue and then toss the whole butt into their mouths like its nothing. Princess Bella screams at her slave to "Swallow it Bitch!" She then instructs the slave to chew it all up and open his mouth so she can see that it's all gone. Princess Carmela and Princess Bella laugh about how this can't be healthy for the slaves but they really don't care. A slave's life and health) mean nothing to them. Slaves are inferior creatures, and as such they deserve to be driven into an early grave by superior, beautiful young princesses like them! Even if it is just for their entertainment!This

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