GODDESS MAYA LIYER – Captured Cock & Balls HD 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online GODDESS MAYA LIYER – Captured Cock & Balls HD
This is part of a recent series filmed with Fetish Liza, there are lots more clips to come as we filmed for two days straight. Currently available in this series On the Edge FullThis cleaning slave has been given so many chances in the past but continues to perform poorly. Knowing that he is particularly fond of his balls we decided to strap him down, place his balls in a spiked parachute and start loading it with weights. These pulled the spikes within the parachute tight around his balls, it really would be easier for him if he just performed his duties properly. He will take all the pain we wish to dish out without complaint to make up for his poor cleaning, and it will serve as a harsh reminder never to slack again. Once his balls are heavy with weights, tugging them down to the floor we are able to start loading his balls and cock with clothes pegs. Half of them are stringed and the other half are loose. Fetish Liza had never ripped pegs of a slaves ball sack before, so I was very excited to thread them up and hand over the string. We laugh at this pathetic creature as the pegs are ripped off in one swift tug, and begin flogging the loose pegs off his cock before he has time to recover. Imagine if this was YOU, as the sounds of our laughter disappears down the hallway, you are left restrained on the bench, your cock and balls singing with pain, you are probably crying too, now tell me have you learned your lesson?Visit my Youtube page for free videos and subscribe to my channel click here

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