Princess Cindi, Empress Jennifer in Video - THE MEAN GIRLS – Seahorse Training 2023 [HD] (Mp4/1000 MB)

Porno Online Princess Cindi, Empress Jennifer - THE MEAN GIRLS – Seahorse Training
We were hangin out by the pool at Mean Girl Manor with a couple of loser slaves groveling at our feet when we decided to play a little game with them. We decided we would turn them into "seahorses" and ride the from one end of the pool to the other and have a race with our slaves!The only problem was, it gets REALLY deep at the other end! LOL! In fact, the poor an1mals went complete submerged underwater after only going about halfway across the pool with us on their shoulders! Haha! But We didn't care if they were underwater and couldn't breathe- as long as WE still could that's all that matters! So we kept driving them into the deep end with Our riding crops!Unfortunately mine didn't make it.' It passsed out apparently underwater from lack of oxygen lol.So then Princess Cindi decided to start really training HER "seahorse" to work harder for her and get better at holding its breth underwater and racing her back and forth across the pool for Our upcoming "human seahorse races" at Mean Girl Manor! She wants to WIN no matter what! But I need a new horsey.any volunteers??-Empress Jennifer

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